Tuesday, September 30, 2008


Is there really, truly anybody out there who think we're going to get a choice this November?

I've been watching these cinematic political ads recently, and both side say, "We'll bring in something different, the other guy will be more of the same."

Uh-huh. Since when do politicians tell the truth? The despicable media makes it out like we have a viable, two party system. The truth is quite different. Both these goons differ on a few ideas that the media amplify and focus on, when in reality they both stand for pretty much the same thing: 4 more years of the same. Same old suits in charge, same old rich and powerful getting their way over the rest of us. Same old foreign wars in support of the same foreign power.

Obama stands for higher taxes on the poor citizens and lower middle class, McCain stands for less taxes for big corporations. Different, right? Not at all. McCain says our troops should stay in Iraq for decades, Obama says we should focus on Afghanistan when a large portion of Americans are sick of our tax dollars vanishing into the desert sands of western Asia. Different? I don't think so.

Neither will take a stand against outsourcing; neither will crack down on China's unfair trade practices. Different? How so?

The media makes us blind to alternatives by portraying things as only between one side or the other. Demicans or Republicrats. Take your pick.

People talk about the 'lesser of two evils'. Why would anyone in their right mind vote for any kind of evil? Just goes to show how sick this society has become and how total the media has control of the average American's tiny, empty, short attention spanned minds.

Any third party at this point would be better than more of the same, and yet no one ever hears about them from the simpering, placating, pandering, controlling, devious media. The average American has most likely never even heard of the Libertarian Party, or the Green Party (not that I'd vote for Ralph Nader).

And how many people have ever even heard of the American Patriot Party or the America First Party?

I hear people talk about the 'disenfranchised' youth not voting. If the media would actually report the facts instead of the spin, and truly inform us about all our choices, maybe people might not feel so talked down to and make think they actually have a voice in these elections. Right now, only the fat cats, the rich, the powerful and all of Hollyweird has the voice, and that's the way they prefer it.

Look into your options, people, don't just vote for Obama or McCain because you think they're less evil than the other one.


Anonymous said...

When Sarah Palin started kissing Isreali butt during the VP candidates' debate, I was cured of any temptation I had to vote for the lesser of the two evils.

Jamesdomus1861 said...

Heh, good point, Annie.

I was cured of this nonsense in '04. I can honestly say I proudly voted for Bush twice. The second time was because if the average Amurrcan was willing to put up with the two Patriot Acts, then the country deserved the worst it could get.

The faster, as some put it "the balloon goes up" the faster we can get on with what needs to be done and finally be free - not for us because we're fat and lazy and pitiful in our crapulence, but for our children and the future.